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March 21, 2024

9 Reasons Esports Can Create Jobs Almost Anywhere on Earth

9 Reasons Esports Can Create Jobs Almost Anywhere on Earth

Can you think of more?

There is a tremendous shortfall in the number of jobs for young people around the world. The jobs need to be relatively easy to establish and not require years of training. But why is esports such an appealing solution?

Games are fun

Playing games is fun – making it easier to attract an audience and interested individuals wanting to find employment.

Growing industry

Esports is a large and exploding industry, tapping into the interest of over 2.6B gamers worldwide. The global Esports market size was estimated at USD 1.09 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 1.48 billion in 2020. Total esports viewership is expected to grow at a 9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2019 and 2023, up from 454 million in 2019 to 646 million in 2023.

Low barrier to entry

Unlike many enterprises, creating an esports organization can be done with little upfront investment.

Focus on youth employment

Esports attracts a young audience, making it easier to target young people who are interested in gainful employment.

Self-funding organizations

Each esports organization can be self-funded, primarily through sponsorships and potentially government grants. It is a proven model.

 Global reach with a universal audience

Gamers can be found in almost every part of the world. Access to potential entrepreneurs is made easier by online tools for distribution and training.

Diversity of jobs

Most people associate esports with professional players. They are important, but a successful enterprise includes many support staff:

  • Professional players
  • Shoutcaster/Host
  • Coaches
  • Analysts
  • Team Manager/Owner
  • Tournament Organizer/Admin/Referee
  • Content Creator/Journalist
  • Video Game Developer
  • Marketing/PR Executives
  • Community/Social Media Manager
  • Sales/Partnership Manager
  • Agent
  • Event Manager
  • Production/Broadcasting
  • Business Administration including Legal and Finance

Existing models

There are many successful models of successful esports teams and organizations to copy for duplication and scale.

Access to mentors

Mentors can be anywhere to provide expertise. They will include gamers, publishers, teams, and leagues.


Esports and gaming can be an equal opportunity for all segments of the community. Content will always highlight how sometime groups who could be marginalized in more traditional business settings can use esports as a way to build their future. As an example, women can be just as successful in building an esports enterprise as their male counterparts.

All of these reasons point to the conclusion that esports can create meaningful jobs. It might be simple, but not easy. The important part is to get started right now to make a difference.

Photo by Fredrick Tendong on Unsplash